Thats "good-bye" in Japanese for all those un-equipped with a japanese phrasebook :-)
Well I've set my alarm to get up when the birds are singing tomorrow morning so I can get to the airport in time for my flight to Tokyo. Iv'e got my yen, a 70 litre backpack which is pretty much full along with my 20 litre day pack so im all set to go!
I'm flying with Virgin so im hoping the plane has a snes in the seat and also network play so I can thrash people on street fighter 2. I think Im going to watch I-robot, Oceans 12, and The Manchurian candidate on the plane as I havnt seen them and all the rest look rubbish!!
Hopefully getting up so early tomorrow will mean I get tired earlier as I really need to have a sleep on the plane, otherwise I will be totally jet-lagged seeing as Japan is 9hrs ahead and I get there at 9am.
I went on a marathon texting session tonight and text everyone in my phonebook, so I'm hoping lots of poeple are going to be checking what im up to and leaving comments on my posts!
Thanks to everyone that has wished me farewell, I look forward to hearing from you and I will see you all in 4 months time x
Some Words for The Class of '09
15 years ago
Hi Kevvo. Please show me pictures off all the creatures in all the countries.
Love from Sorcha Blae Dion XXXX
Hi kev how ru? got your text last nite was nice to hear from you. Good luck on your travels i hope you have lots of fun. Take care n keep in touch. emai -
From Natalie
thats a lovely post kev.
Hey Dude!!! Good to hear ur liking
japan and that, and I read all the stuff.
Sorry haven't replied for a while, but i will be putting comments down all the time to keep you company!!not that you need it,
in the big world!
Is it ok to leave an ad for this blog on me site dude??
I hope you have had a good time traveling and stuff, and hope you arn't too tired out to go out and stuff.
I will be online on monday-friday,
but will be on msn on mondays and fridays from 9:10 to about 10:00,
so wheneva u want 2 hav a chat let me kno!!!
all the best,
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