Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Rialto Towers

Well I havn't done an awful lot today. Had a walk around the city looking for somewhere I could get on a computer that would allow me to upload some pics. I found a shop selling CD-Rs so got a few so I could burn some CDs of my pics.

My main attraction of the day was Rialto Towers located just down the road from where I am staying. It has an observation deck which is 253 metres above the city on the 55th floor and is the tallest office building in the southern hemisphere. The views across Melbourne were pretty good and there were free binoculars available so you could see what everyone was doing in the streets. I got a few photos from there and then went to find a phonebox so I could find out how long it wil take me to get to Sydney and how many stops there are. So I will be getting to Sydney on the 8th with 3 stopovers in between. I have to get the bus at 6.15 tomorrow morning so It's gonna be an early start. I may be going out again tonight though as there is a bar where there is going to be an appearance of a Neighbours cast member though I dont know which one.

Im not sure if the places I will be staying at on the way to Sydney will have any Internet access but I will update again when I get the chance.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin,
Looks as thouh the good times are continuing lol.
Thanks for the phone call - it was good to hear your voice and know that you are OK.
Can,t comment on the soap characters - don,t know who they are as I never watch them - but looked as though you where having fun(as usual!! )
By the time you get this you will be on your travels again across OZ - so have a great time and I will look forward to the next instalment.
Love Dad XXX

Anonymous said...

Hi Kev,

Reading your blog has become part of our daily routine - its fab!!!
You really have managed to see so many interesting sights in such a short time. We have been printing it all out for your Nan to read - she is so thrilled that you are doing so well and that you are having such a good time. Love the pics too - Ashlea says "have a lovely time" Aimee says have u learnt any new magic tricks on your travels. Keep on trekkin kev! Lots of love Margaret, Bill and Kids xxxxxxxxxxxx

05 May, 2005 17:50

Anonymous said...

Hi kevin How ru? Have been keeping up with your travel diary sounds like you are having a whale of a time. Whats the weather like in Oz? How jealous am i please lol I have just bought a campervan with my b-friend spent last weekend in it, justin enjoyed himself. well take care ne way. look forward to seeing some more pics. Natalie x

Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin, I'm really enjoying following your journey on the net. Staying with Aunt Norah in Bala so we're doing this together. What a lovely experience for you--bet you'll have itchy feet when you get back and want to be off again somewhere new. Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip. Lots of Love, Nan xxxx.
PS. Best wishes and have a great time,love from Aunt Norah, Ian and all the Gang here in Wales !

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev

Good to keep track of your exploits.

I've always wondered if it is true that every third person in Australia is a medical professional, yet none appear in your photos... are they in disguise?


Anonymous said...

Hi Kev,
Managed to catch up with your adventures today. Looks like you had a great time in Ramsey Street!
Neighbours used to be a favourite of ours (Sandie Sarah and Laura that is!!)Lost track a bit since we've been working or at Uni.Laura says she'll try and have a chat again soon if she can stay awake long enough! Lots of love Sandie Allan and gang xxxxx

Anonymous said...

No way!!!

that is so cool how you got to see all the cast!

hey! maybe u shud write a book about your travels! it would be a best sella!

p.s Site is updated

magickev said...

Hey everyone thanks for reading my blog and posting comments its awesome!! Temp in sudney is pretty warm at the mo alot warmer than melbourne anyway.